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Spring 2021 2nd Newsletter

Happy Spring Everyone!

So many things in such a short time.

Member Meeting -

At our ATA board meeting earlier in May, we set a date for our annual Member Meeting. Save the date for Wednesday June 23, 2021 at 6 PM in Ascutney State Park. Our first thought is to have it at the pavilion 2 miles up the parkway. Stay tuned as our plans may change.

Ascutney Day -

The annual hike to the top of the mountain will take place this year! However, it will most likely happen on Labor Day weekend instead of Memorial Day weekend. Due to Covid-19 concerns earlier in the year, we were not sure if we could organize a gathering with food at the top of the mountain at the end of May.

Norcross Trail -

This trail is at least 10 years in the making, and is very close to opening the trail for Memorial Day weekend. We hope to get approval from our state park forester this Friday, as we are still in the process of getting the appropriate trail signage in place and finishing up some last minute important trail work. We’re looking for a few volunteers to help bench in some trail, so please contact Jim Lyall via this email address if you can help out this week.

This hiking, trail running and biking trail comprises of 3 sections, climbing and traversing through the woods from the Ascutney State Park campground to the Ascutney Outdoors Center , it is 8 miles long. Many people already know the first section from the AOC to the Brownsville Trail/Norcross Quarry (formerly known as Quarry lookout/Steam Donkey). The next section is 3.5 miles long from the Brownsville Trail to the Windsor Trail. The 3rd section connects the Windsor Trail to the Swoops and Loops trail and ultimately the state park campground.

Youth Group -

Get stoked to get dirty on the Ascutney Trails… join our Fri-Yay Youth Rides!

We have a fun and supportive environment for youth to level up their skills. Grades PK - 12 are welcome, with group rides based on ability.

All participants under age 18 must have a parent or guardian onsite to ride and Bikes must be in safe working condition.

Meet at the Ascutney Outdoors lower parking lot on Ski Tow Road in Brownsville.

Rides run 4:30 to 6-ish.

Pre-Registration required. Sign up at

This program is free for Ascutney Trails Association members, and if you haven’t yet joined for 2021, we encourage you to do so at

Questions? Need a bike? Have an extra to pass on? Reach out to If your family is in need of a membership fee waiver, bike, or other assistance or accommodation to participate in youth programming please get in touch. We are committed to getting everybody who is interested on a bike this season!


Flow State -

Volunteers needed! If you are available July 29 - August 1st and interested in helping out click on this link.

Here you’ll find the benefits of volunteering and knowing that your efforts go a long way towards our fundraising efforts for ATA. Registration for VMBA and NEMBA members started a week ago and we are already beyond 300 participants. Camping slots sold out the first day and we are looking for additional camping locations so more people can join us for a weekend of biking the trails.

Tuesday Night Trail Ride/Thursday Night Gravel Ride -

In an effort to save website fees and keep things moving smoothly for everyone, please login to the website and subscribe to the TNR Blog. You need to do this if you want to get an email each time the group rides are posted. Once subscribed you’ll automatically receive notifications from the website that a new ride has been posted. Otherwise, you will not get an automatic email and will have to go to the website to find out where the Tuesday or Thursday night ride will meet.

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