Snow, rain, wind, thunder: we've had it all this week. But an awesome crew of volunteers got out and cleaned up the trails so that today's breezes dried them out enough that we can open most of the Ascutney mountain bike trails. That includes Ascutney Outdoor Center Trailhead, West Windsor Town Forest Trailhead, and even Swoops and Loops on Route 44A in Windsor. Get out and enjoy the ride, but be ready to walk a few wet areas, watch for recent blowdowns (please report their whereabouts to info@ascutneytrails.com if you can), and beware of some rough spots where they logged Swoops. The summit bound hiking trails are still closed, because the summit is a few weeks behind our weather, and we also have to keep Quarry Lookout closed. It will reopen in a few weeks as part of the Norcross Trail, which we hope to open all the way to S&L on Memorial Day.